1. Boycott coal power which is 54 0/0 of US air pollution, buy wind or solar energy for your home and business.
2. Drive an electric car (or no car!) and recharge it with wind or solar energy sources.
3. Boycott petro plastic bottled water, bottled beverages - use aluminum or glass instead!
4. Boycott petro plastic in foods, styrofoam, plastic straws, plastic bags and businesses that use them. These plastics cause ground water toxins in local dumps when plastics phytodegrade and become tiny particles of carcinogens. Petro plastics affect seafood with plastics in the great pacific garbage dumps and other gyros building around the planet.
5. Boycott non-organic foods. Buy only organic food. Think about it: if pesticides kills a small bug, eventually the cumulative effect will kill the biggest bugs and humans!
6. Donate to the NRDC National Resources Defence Council, who scores more big wins for the USA than most environmental organizations. You can also donate to Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Center for Biological Diversity or the Union of Concerned Scientists.
7. Buy only organic cotton clothing, bedding and textiles. Conventional cotton uses 24 0/0 of the entire planets pesticides. At least 2 pounds of toxic chemicals are used to produce one pound of conventional cotton. Do not wear non bio degradable clothing such as polyester, as it may wind up in the ocean.
8. Boycott GMO foods wherever possible. Especially "round up pesticide resistant" corn. The GMO companion pesticides and GMO systemic pesticides are killing bees, beneficial insects, biodiversity and are putting huge cancers in the food chain. Support labeling all GMO products.
9. Buy local organic food. Get to know the people who grow your food! Grow some of your own when possible. Great Britain Victory gardens are inspiration for small pieces of land that produce local food you can trade and gift.
10. Use every one of your purchases to choose a healthier planet. Toxic products such as pesticide soaked food, clothing or home goods, bleached non reforested copy paper, plastic bottle water and bags, etc. will be obsolete when there is no one to buy them! Informed consumers are changing the world.
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