Meet Angelica, who came to work for me almost 20 years ago, in 1992. She has an artists eye for detail and manages around 20 employees in our hand painted finishes. Angelica is kind and steadfast with her staff and tries to be easy on me. I know who I really work for.... She works with me on over 62 finishes! Many of these finishes require up to 7 layers of paint with a long dry time in between. Many designers are surprised to learn we really ARE made in USA. Not just assembled or designed in the USA. We actually hand finish each piece.
In our experience Interior Designers and thier clients DO CARE about the provenence of a product! Most are not really aware that probably 80% of the window hardware sold in the US is made in China and sits in containers at a warehouse dock, painted in high VOC (Volatile Organic Conpound) petrochemical finishes that may off gas in your home.
However when they meet our staff at the Antique Drapery Rod Company they realize we are Authentically Hand Made in the USA! Our designers love it! They pass this info to thier clients and build more customer loyalty for thier design business also.
Keep your rod level!
Whitney Walker
CEO The Antique Drapery Rod Co.
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